What Is Youtube Composition?

YouTube composition royalties refer to the money earned by songwriters and publishers when their music is used in YouTube videos. YouTube has a vast library of music that content creators can use in their videos. However, when a creator wants to use music that is not available in the YouTube library, they must obtain a license to use the music.

When a license is obtained, the songwriter and publisher of the music receive a share of the revenue generated by the video. This revenue is known as composition royalties. YouTube uses a complex algorithm to calculate the royalties owed to each songwriter and publisher based on factors such as the number of views the video receives, the geographic location of the viewers, and the type of ads displayed on the video.

It's important to note that composition royalties are separate from performance royalties, which are earned by artists when their music is publicly performed, such as on the radio or in a live performance. YouTube composition royalties specifically refer to the use of music in YouTube videos.

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