What Is Sound Exchange?

Digital Performance Royalties (Sound Exchange)

We collect additional royalties from your sound recordings via Sound Exchange

We work with Sound Exchange to make sure you get all your digital performance royalties.

SoundExchange Selection: When utilizing our upload form at DPM Network Music Distribution Platform and selecting SoundExchange as your chosen distribution channel, please be aware that we will only be able to collect and distribute the right owner's revenue to you. This revenue corresponds to the rights associated with the sound recording itself.

Can DPM Network Music Distribution collect the artist/featured artist portion of SoundExchange?

No. Only the artists/players themselves can handle the artist collection. SoundExchange doesn’t allow any third parties (labels, distros, aggregators) to claim any portion of that revenue.

Action Required for Artist Revenue Share: For artists seeking to collect their share of the revenue generated from SoundExchange, it is crucial to note that the artist's revenue share needs to be claimed directly through SoundExchange. This share represents the compensation owed to the performer or the performing artists involved in the creation of the sound recording.

Next Steps for Artist Revenue Share:

  1. Visit SoundExchange: Go to the SoundExchange website at [SoundExchange Website].

  2. Create/Log in to Your Account: If you don't have an account, create one. If you already have an account, log in.

  3. Register Your Works: Ensure that all your sound recordings are registered with SoundExchange to claim your artist revenue share.

  4. Provide Necessary Information: Complete the required information to facilitate accurate and timely payouts.

Last updated